Our compact DMX-iT 524 portable lighting consoles are battery or AC adapter powered, simple to operate, full featured and low cost, with field proven performance and reliability.
Our compact DMX-iT 524 portable lighting consoles are battery or AC adapter powered, simple to operate, full featured and low cost, with field proven performance and reliability.
Our compact DMX-iT 524 portable lighting consoles are battery or AC adapter powered, simple to operate, full featured and low cost, with field proven performance and reliability.
The L12760 is a single chip implementation of all the control and shaping circuitry needed to create a theatrical quality dimmer.
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Read MoreOur Maxtron brand video pattern generators are full featured, SMPTE 292M HD-SDI generators with 10 patterns, 10 formats and full 20 bit pattern generation. Model TG-5100 features individual 16-channel embedded audio voice ID’s.
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Read MoreThis unit answers the need for a dimmer which will automatically fade up (or down), hold at a preset level and then fade back to the start. Programmable options include Start Level, Rise Time, Hold Level, Hold Time, Fall Time, Three Trigger Modes, Flicker On/Off/Depth/Rate, Flasher On/Off/Rate and more.